LignoBiotech2022 will assemble academic, governmental, and industry leaders in lignocellulose transformation to discuss latest advances in biotechnologies, data sciences, and material sciences focused on transforming main lignocellulose fractions into advanced fuels, high-value chemicals, and new bio-based materials.
In addition to technical conference sessions, panel discussions will highlight national bio-economy priorities and best practices for knowledge mobilization to practice.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 (Reception)
VENUE: Wong Trainor Centre at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
18:30-21:00: Welcome ReceptionWednesday, August 10, 2022 (Day 1)
VENUE: Jack Poole Hall at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
08:00 Doors open and breakfast served
08:30 Keynote Presentations: National Priorities for the Circular Bioeconomy
09:30 Biotechnology in Bio-Based Materials I
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 Biotechnology in Bio-Based Materials II
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Biocatalysts for High-Value Biochemicals I
15:35 Flash Poster Presentations
16:30-17:30 Poster SessionThursday, August 11, 2022 (Day 2)
VENUE: Jack Poole Hall at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
08:00 Doors open and breakfast served
08:30 Panel Discussion: Mobilizing Biotechnology Research to Practice
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Biocatalysts For High-Value Biochemicals II
12:20 Flash Poster Presentations
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Emerging Opportunities Through Functional Genomics I
15:05 Poster Session (and Coffee Served)
16:05-17:15 Emerging Opportunities Through Functional Genomics II
18:30-21:30 Gala Dinner at the Cecil Green Park HouseFriday, August 12, 2022 (Day 3)
VENUE: Jack Poole Hall at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
08:00 Doors open and breakfast served
08:30 Biomass To Advanced Biofuels
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Panel Discussion: Emerging Opportunities for the Global Bio-economy
12:00 Awards and Announcements
12:15 Closing Statements
12:30 Departures

Programme at a glance
Wong Trainor Centre in the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Jack Poole Hall in the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Session Chair:
Jack Saddler, University of British Columbia, Canada
Keynote Speakers:
Johanna Buchert, President and CEO of Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Kiyo Igarashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Natacha Mongeau, Manager Business Development, FPInnovations, Canada
Session Chairs:
Maija Tenkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Orlando Rojas, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Bioproducts, Scientific Director of the Bioproducts Institute, University of British Columbia, Canada
09:35 Francisco Vilaplana (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden): Enzymatic crosslinking of cereal hemicelluloses for a new generation of bioactive functional materials.
09:55 Keith Gourlay (Performance Biofilaments, Canada): Industrial uses for nanofibrillated cellulose.
10:15 Tomohiro Kuga (University of Tokyo, Japan): Enzymatic synthesis of cellulose in space.
10:30 Renate Weiß (BOKU, Austria): Enzymatic synthesis of lignin-based carriers and coatings for sustainable agriculture.
Session Chairs:
Orlando Rojas, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Bioproducts, Scientific Director of the Bioproducts Institute, University of British Columbia, Canada
Maija Tenkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
11:15 Marcelo C.S. Muguet (Lignin and Biorefineries Technology Center, Klabin, Brazil): Biorefineries at Klabin – moving towards the future.
11:35 Heloisa Ramires (Suzano, Brazil): Lignin biorefineries: development of lignin processes and applications.
11:55 Carla Vilela (CICECO, University of Aveiro, Portugal): Lignosulfonates & bacterial nanocellulose: a partnership to engineer ion-conducting membranes for fuel cells.
12:15 Grant Allen (University of Toronto, Canada): Lignin-based flocculants for improved biosludge dewaterability.
12:35 Yaman Boluk (University of Alberta, Canada): Electrospinning of lignin suspensions in polymer solutions and their applications.
12:55 General Discussion
Session Chairs:
Kristiina Kruus, Dean - School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
Harry Brumer, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Canada
14:05 Alex Michine (MetGen, Finland, presented by Sami-Pekka Rantanen): High-value bio-based solutions from lignin fractions.
14:25 Jean-Guy Berrin (INRAE, France): Fungal copper radical oxidases: bioconversion of long-chain alcohols and biological role in phytopathogens.
14:45 Maria Cleveland (University of British Columbia, Canada): Fungal Copper Radical Oxidases: Exploring native activities and switching carbohydrate regiospecificity.
15:05 Maija Tenkanen (University of Helsinki, Finland): Xylooligosaccharide-acting CAZy AA3 dehydrogenases as specific biocatalysts for upgrading xylan fragments to added-value materials.
15:25 General Discussion
Session Chair:
Emma Master, University of Toronto, Canada & Aalto University, Finland
Victoria Collins (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Canada): Lignin hydrolysis products as biostimulatory amendments for in-situ bioremediation of hydrocarbon impacted sites.
Sebastian Mayr (BOKU, Austria): Functionalization of technical lignins by distinct laccases.
Anupama Sharan (University of Toronto, Canada): Developing a screening pipeline to uncover robust multicopper oxidase enzyme candidates for surface-activation of industrial lignins.
Jessica Virginia (BOKU, Austria): Bacterial Auxiliary Activities Family 3 and their importance in lignin degradation.
Megan Wolf (University of British Columbia, Canada): A cytochrome P450 O-demethylase for the biocatalytic valorization of lignin.
Katharina Duran (Wageningen University, Netherlands): Oxidation-driven lignin removal during Agaricus bisporus’ mycelial growth.
Jessie Novak (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA): Galactomannan utilization by Cellvibrio japonicus relies on a single essential α-galactosidase encoded by the aga27A gene.
Lisanne Hameleers (University of Groningen, Netherlands): Exploiting polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) for the discovery of novel carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes).
Jack Poole Hall in the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Session Chair:
Chris Walton, CEO of the Centre of Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy, CRIBE, Canada
Ludo Diels (VITO, Belgium)
Florian Graichen (Scion, New Zealand)
Andrew Kee (Woodbridge Group, Canada)
Matyas Kosa (West Fraser, Canada)
Megan McCormick (AFRY, USA)
Mojgan Nejad (Michigan State University, USA)
Session Chairs:
Harry Brumer, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Canada
Kristiina Kruus, Dean - School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
10:30 Anne Meyer (Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Denmark): Lignin polishing with enzymes.
10:50 Miriam Kellock (VTT, Finland): High thermal stability and surface glycosylation protects a GH11 xylanase from lignin-derived inhibition.
11:10 Jinguang Hu (University of Calgary, Canada): Photo-bio catalysis for biomass valorization.
11:30 Claire Dumon (Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France): Two different aspects of natural multi-modular diversity within a xylan utilization locus to investigate catalytic synergism.
11:50 Birte Svensson (Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Denmark): Making efficient transglycosylases using a sequence-based rational enzyme design.
12:10 General Discussion
Session Chair:
Emma Master, University of Toronto, Canada & Aalto University, Finland
Sora Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo, Japan): Effects of charged residues at active site on catalysis of GH6 cellobiohydrolase.
Louison Dumond (INSA Toulouse, France): Assessing the potential of aerobic and anaerobic microbial consortia derived from termite gut microbiome for lignin bioconversion.
Shilva Shrestha (JBEI, USA): Growth of Achromobacter isolates on lignolysates from sorghum and poplar.
Fantahun Bitew (University of Alberta, Canada): Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 from lignin and glycerol.
Conor Scott (University of York, UK): Fungus to fuel the future: understanding the variable lignocellulose degrading secretome of Parascedosporium putredinis NO1.
Session Chairs:
Lindsay Eltis, Canada Research Chair in Microbial Catabolism and Biocatalysis, University of British Columbia, Canada
Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet, Research Director INRAE, Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France
14:05 Davinia Salvachua (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA): Conversion of lignin-derived aromatic compounds by white-rot fungi.
14:25 Yoichi Honda (Kyoto University, Japan): CRISPR/Cas9 and functional analysis of lignin modifying enzyme genes in white-rot fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus.
14:45 Ronald de Vries (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Netherlands): Conversion of lignocellulose components to high value compounds using fungal cell factories.
Session Chairs:
Guillermina Hernandez-Raquet, Research Director INRAE, Toulouse Biotechnology Institute, France
Lindsay Eltis, Canada Research Chair in Microbial Catabolism and Biocatalysis, University of British Columbia, Canada
16:05 Tim Donohue (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA): Mining bacterial genomes to generate products from lignin aromatics.
16:25 Majid Haddad Momeni (Aalto University, Finland): Functional diversity of microbial expansin-related proteins for lignocellulose processing.
16:45 Laura Navas (University of British Columbia, Canada): Acetovanillone catabolism and the biocatalytic valorization of lignin.
17:05-17:15 General Discussion
Jack Poole Hall in the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre
Session Chairs:
Seema Singh, Director of Biomass Pretreatment and Process Development & Deputy VP of Deconstruction Division, Joint BioEnergy Institute and Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Warren Mabee, Canada Research Chair in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation & Director of the Queen's Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy, Queen’s University, Canada
08:40 Lisbeth Olsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden): Microbial robustness and its
role in lignocellulosic yeast bioconversion.
09:00 Steve Singer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA): Phosphoketolase alters sugar and aromatic metabolism in Pseudomonas putida.
09:20 Johann Gorgens (Stellenbosch University, South Africa, presented by Somayeh Farzad): Technoeconomic benchmarking and ranking of bio-based products, such as fuels and chemicals.
09:40 Dagem Haddis (University of Alberta, Canada): Enzymatic co-production of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and fermentable sugars.
10:00 Blake Simmons (Joint BioEnergy Institute, USA): Flying the future: sustainable aviation fuels at the Joint BioEnergy Institute.
10:20 General Discussion
Session Chair:
Emma Master, University of Toronto, Canada & Aalto University, Finland
Merja Penttilä (VTT, Finland)
Greg Rampley (Natural Resources Canada, Canada)
Orlando Rojas (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Blake Simmons (Joint BioEnergy Institute, USA)